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Programs : Program Course Search

Use this page to search the Global Education Office course database or to view a list of pre-approved ASU courses offered on a particular program.

COURSE SEARCH: To view a list of programs that offer a particular ASU course abroad, click on the magnifying glass in the "View Programs" column on the Course Search results page.

PLEASE NOTE: The Global Education Office course database only includes courses requested by previous ASU students. The list of courses provided for any particular program may not be complete, and some courses may no longer be offered on the program, so be sure to refer to the details provided in the program web brochure.

If you have any questions about courses offered on a particular program, please contact your International Coordinator.
You searched for courses offered on a Global Education program.  HINT: To view equivalent ASU course(s) for a particular course listed below, click on the triangle in the Prefix/Number column.

To request approval for a course not already on the pre-approved list below, you may submit a new Course Equivalency Request for the following program: USAC: Chiang Mai, Thailand Program.
Prefix/Number Title ASU Credits Course Status General Studies Notes
3.00 Active  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  G,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
REL 300
3.00 Active  HU  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  G,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 In Process     
WMST 400
3.00 Active  SB  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
PSC 400
3.00 Active     
PSC 407
3.00 Active  G,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active     
3.00 Active  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
BUS 400
3.00 Active  SB  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
PSC 300
3.00 Active  G,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
1.00 Active     
PSY 300
3.00 Active  SB  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  HU,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  G,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  G,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
PSC 400
3.00 Active  Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  G,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  G,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active  G,
Click on the triangle for additional details,
including a notice about General Studies. 
3.00 Active     
3.00 Active